The bayan is a type of chromatic button accordion developed in Russia in the early 20th century. It's used for classical and contemporary music. The original sampled instrument is the amazing Bugari Bayan Prime. PSound Bayan is the most accurate virtual accordion available.
Right hand:
• Notes: 64 (E-G)
• Chorus: 4', 8, 8 cassotto, 16'
• Registers: 15
Left hand:
• Notes: 58 (E-C#)
• Chorus: 4', 16', 16' cassotto
• Registers: 6
• Pedal Reinforcement
General Info:
• Key Noise (adjustable)
• Register Noise (adjustable)
• 96kHz/24bit resolution
• 3000 samples
• 1,8 GB memory storage
• Reverb (on/off switch) with “time” and “mix” knobs
• Powered by UVI Engine XT™
• Requires UVI Workstation v2.5.6 or later
• provides UVI Workstation for free!
• UVI Falcon full Compatibility!
• Playable by Motu Machfive too (requires v3.2.1)
• PACE protection system (free iLok account required)